Teaching Preschool Aged Dancers
Dance Teachers Brittany Mulder Dance Teachers Brittany Mulder

Teaching Preschool Aged Dancers

Teaching preschool-aged dancers is tough work! They are so busy, they keep talking, and they are so easily distracted. This can be exhausting and discouraging but it doesn’t have to be. I, Brittany Mulder, LOVE teaching preschool-aged dancers because I have studied endlessly on how children this age best absorb information and how to keep them interested in what I have to share. Here are some of the tips I have for teaching preschool-aged dancers.

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Press Pause + Prioritize.
Brittany Mulder Brittany Mulder

Press Pause + Prioritize.

Press Pause + Prioritize . The world is doing it and we are too. During this uncertain and quiet time, I have found myself rushing less and enjoying more. Family has always been my number on priority and right now I’m so grateful to be able to spend extra time with my little man and for the opportunities I have to connect with you online.

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Create a Custom Warm-Up. It will save you. 
Brittany Mulder Brittany Mulder

Create a Custom Warm-Up. It will save you. 

Teachers will typically warm you up for their class. Focusing and prioritizing the steps and qualities of movement that their class requires. They are not prioritizing the things that you, as an individual, need for a warm-up. This is no fault of the teacher - in fact, this is exactly what their job requires.

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 7 Tips on How to Watch Contemporary Dance 
Brittany Mulder Brittany Mulder

7 Tips on How to Watch Contemporary Dance 

After my parents would watch me perform at my year end recitals growing up, their response would always be along the lines of “beautiful”, “so fun to watch” or, the most common response, “you were the best one” (of course, that was their VERY biased opinion, which I understood).  It wasn’t until I began studying dance in university that their responses to my performances changed, quite drastically.

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8 ways to Have a Blast in a Parented Dance Class
Brittany Mulder Brittany Mulder

8 ways to Have a Blast in a Parented Dance Class

We understand. Taking your baby or toddler to a new class can be nerve-racking. You don’t know what will be asked of you. You don’t know how your child will act or if they'll participate at all. You worry that it could be stressful by trying to get your two-year-old to follow along with a group-based activity. We get you.  This little article will hopefully give you a good idea of what our classes include, as well as, give you some tips and tricks as to how to have a blast in one of our Baby and You or Family Jam Classes.

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